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27 results
IIR document
Measurement of thermal conductivity and kinematic viscosity of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-methoxypropane (HFE-356mmz).
A numerical analysis of the pool boiling process in flooded evaporators using different refrigerants.
Liquid density prediction of five different classes of refrigerant systems (HCFCs, HFCs, HFEs, PFAs and PFAAs) using the artificial neural network-group contribution method.
Natural refrigerant mixtures in low-charge heat pumps: An analysis of the potential for performance enhancements.
Carbon dioxide as a possible low temperature refrigerant.
Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2022.Data reported by companies on the production, import, export and destruction of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union, 2007-2021
Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2023.Data reported by companies on the production, import, export and destruction of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union, 2007-2022
Improving R600a efficiency: RE170/R600 natural mixture experimental analysis.
Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2024.Data reported by companies on the production, import, export and destruction of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union, 2007-2023
Experimental investigation of a heat pump tumble dryer with a zeotropic refrigerant mixture.
Coefficient of performance of fluorinated ether and fluorinated ether mixtures.
Equilibre liquide-vapeur de mélanges d'éthers fluorés.
Liquid-vapour equilibrium of fluorinated ether mixtures.
Thermodynamic properties of fluorinated ethers as alternative refrigerants.
Measurement of critical properties of fluorinated ethers as alternative refrigerants.
A study on thermodynamic properties of new fluorinated ether refrigerant, CF3OCH3.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
9 results
Growing interest in CO2 technology
Scientists and refrigeration practitioners are increasingly interested in carbon dioxide (CO2) technology. The IIR's Fridoc database contains 198 references to articles mentioning CO2 in their titles and 448 containing the term CO2 in the key...
As the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Directive is being transposed into national law across Europe, three organisations (European Committee of Household Appliance Manufacturers, European Electronics Recyclers...
For IIR members only
New F-Gas rules in effect
The European Commission recently introduced new F-gas rules about labelling, the format for data declaration, and certification.
France: Assessment of the refrigerant emissions avoided between 1993 and 2013
The commitment and engagement from most stakeholders in the “Cooling and Air Conditioning “ branch helped avoid 45 million emitted tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Europe: the proposal to review the F-Gas Regulation has been published, and the proposal to ban PFAS has been delayed.
At the beginning of April, the European Commission published a proposal to update the F-Gas Regulation . In addition, the proposed PFAS ban has been delayed for six months.
State of the art on the flammability of HFOs
An article recently published in the IJR reviews the flammability characteristics of 48 HFOs and blends for various experimental conditions.
Global greenhouse gas emissions show a slowdown in growth
A report published by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency shows that the 2016 greenhouse gases emission increase was the slowest since the early 1990s.
The life cycle of fluorocarbons: case studies
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition has published a guide for policymakers in which good practices regarding the life cycle of fluorocarbons are discussed. Concrete examples of refrigerant recycling in...
Update on the global regulation on refrigerants
Global regulations on fluorinated gases are evolving, with new ratifications of the Kigali Amendment (including China), the updating of the GWP of certain refrigerants by the IPCC, and five European countries...
IIR news
3 results
COP21 UN climate change conference 2015
The Conference of the Parties (COP21) organized by host country France in conjunction with United Nations.
Highlights of AFF's Journée Fluides 2024 and Vœux du Froid 2025
Find out about the highlights of “Journée Fluides 2024” and get ready for “Vœux du Froid 2025”, two key events organised by the French Association of Refrigeration (AFF) for professionals and partners in the...
Statement given by Didier Coulomb, Director General of the IIR, during MOP 35
Statement Given by the Director General of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) during the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP-35) in Nairobi, Kenya (octobre 23 –...